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  • 2021 - 10 - 11
    Source: http://www.gtgqw.com Gangyi.comFe Limited (hereinafter referred to as Fe) celebrates its becoming Australia's latest iron ore exporter. Fe's stock price did not rise on the same day, but fell 4.44%, returning to the stock price at the beginning of the year, with a market value of 3800 million Australian dollars. However, the company's stock price still rose by 95% in a yea...
  • 2021 - 09 - 08
    ABSTRACTNo one would have expected the steelmaking raw materials prices including iron ore, coke and scrap to have attempted multi-year highs in December, a usual off season for steel consumption and production, but the year 2020 had been proven anything but normal, and many iron ore traders ended their 2020 in frustration, as iron ore prices shot up for seemingly no reason at all.Source: World St...
  • 2021 - 08 - 11
    Editor: Song YuzhengSource: China Metallurgical News - China Iron & Steel News NetworkChina Scrap iron and Steel Application Association Information statistics DepartmentLast week, domestic scrap prices are mixed, businesses slightly adjust prices and wait, mentality is still stable, some steel mills have increased the arrival of goods, but no intention of hoarding.Key steel enterprises scrap ...
  • 2021 - 07 - 06
    Source: China Metallurgy News - China Iron and Steel NewsParty flag refers to the high head of the mountain, the sea Yang wave, the Chinese earth is full of hope in the Zhaohui. In this glorious day, we ushered in the centenary birthday of the Communist Party of China, let us say from the bottom of my heart: my dear party, happy birthday! Over the past hundred years, under the wise leadership of t...
  • 2021 - 06 - 03
    Source: Saddle ridge information[Futures Market Analysis][Phase snail] 10 night closed at 5033, down 28 or 0.55%. Wing on in 10 - about to hold a clearance of about 20,000 hands; Yesterday the shipment of finished timber decreased significantly; Raw material, yesterday Tangshan billet fell 30, the first round of coke landing, short - term weak, iron ore spot strong. Heavy rain continued to de...
2021 - 01 - 05
Source: My steel As the year of 2020 comes to an end, China's economy has been the first to recover from the COVID-19 epidemic, which has effectively boosted domestic steel consumption growth. Steel prices have risen to the highest level this year. In this year, the steel industry accelerated transformation and upgrading, enterprise merger and reorganization attracted attention, xiaobian special comb the steel industry in 2020 ten news.First, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the revised Opinions on the Implementation Measures for Replacing Steel Production CapacityOn January 23, the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued by the 'about perfecting the steel production capacity of displa...
2020 - 12 - 08
Article source: MysteelChina Baowu Steel Group (Baowu), China’s and also the world’s top steel producer in capacity, has been taking no break in its expansion in capacity and inner strength enhancement at the same time, with the latest move to solidify its footing in Northwest China via acquiring existing steel mill and iron ore mines, Mysteel Global noted.On November 25 Baowu, via its subsidiary in Northwest China’s Xinjiang, Xinjiang Tianshan Iron & Steel (Tianshan Steel), took over about 77% stake in Yili Iron and Steel Group (Yili Steel) at Yuan 1.45 billion ($2.2 million) from the latter’s 31 individual shareholders, shortly after its acquisition of the full ownership of Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Xinjiang Co (Xinxing Ductile) at a price of Yuan 2.2 billion on November 19, accordi...
2020 - 12 - 07
Article source: MysteelChina exported a total of 48.8 million tonnes of finished steel over January-November, down 18.1% on year, while its finished steel imports surged 74.3% on year to 18.9 million tonnes over the same period, according to the latest statistics released by the country’s General Administration of Customs on December 7.The decline in China’s steel exports, however, narrowed from the 19.3% on-year drop over January-October, mainly due to higher steel exports in November, as the global demand has been recovering and the narrowing gap between China’s domestic and export prices of steel products in September, as the November deliveries were mainly booked two months before, Mysteel Global understands.In November, China’s finished steel exports approximated 4.4 million tonnes, u...
2019 - 03 - 23
Evergrowing Resources Co., Limited was built by the founder of Mr. Ge in HK, 2016. He worked on steel industry for more than 15years till now. He and his team have exported more than 200,000mt different kinds of steel material to Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa, North America and etc till now. Evergrowing Resources Co., Limited, as a leading supplier of hot rolled and forged material supplier in China, always places product quality as the first priority. Therefore we seriously recommend you to choose us as your super supplier on hot rolled and forged steel materials. We would take full responsibility for the quality and authenticity of our products which customer purchase through us. Thank you for your trust and cooperation!
2019 - 03 - 11
Article source: China Steel Price Network As the weather gradually improved, the steel market “Golden Three Silver Four” gradually approached. After the cold winter of some downstream industries experienced last year, the policy of the “two sessions” will make the demand warmer? What is the release of capacity this year?In this issue of Mysteel, we invited Hu Shinan, a hot and cold rolling analyst in the Steel Division, to hear how she analyzed it.Core point of view:1. The manufacturing industry and other industries have lowered the VAT rate by 3%, which is good for the entire downstream industry. In addition, attention should be paid to measures to promote consumption in rural areas such as car purchases for rural residents, new energy vehicles, and second-hand car transactions for s...
2019 - 03 - 11
Article source: China Steel Price NetworkSince late February, steel futures prices have shown a unilateral upward trend. Last week's rebar 1905 contract fell 1.30% to 3,723 yuan / ton. The Hot Roll 1905 contract fell 2.95% to 3,712 yuan / ton. In terms of rebar spot, compared with the previous week, Shanghai fell to 3,850 yuan / ton, Guangzhou fell to 4,220 yuan / ton, Beijing fell to 3,810 yuan / ton. In terms of hot coil spot, Shanghai fell to 3,830 yuan / ton, Tianjin fell to 3,810 yuan / ton, Guangzhou fell to 3,860 yuan / ton.Short-term demand is still acceptableRegarding the demand side of rebar, it is considered from the short-term and medium-term perspectives. Short-term rebar demand is mainly determined by the need for return to work after the Spring Festival and the pace of r...
2019 - 03 - 11
Article source: China Steel Price NetworkThe domestic spot steel market continued to pick up, steel prices rose slightly, and market demand began to release. The iron ore market is basically stable, and the import price has risen slightly.According to the latest market report provided by domestic steel information agencies, the domestic spot steel price index closed at 144.22 points in the most recent week, up 0.6% in the week. Among them, the construction steel market is dominated by shocks, and the average price of mainstream rebar varieties has risen by 24 yuan per ton a week. The plate market was stable and the market price of hot-rolled coils rose slightly. The average price of mainstream specifications rose by 15 yuan per ton per week. The price of plate was slightly increased. The a...
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Source: People's DailyA few days ago, the 2021 (12th) China Iron and Steel Development Forum was held in Beijing. At the meeting, Yin Ruiyu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that after decades of development and progress, China's steel industry per ton of steel energy consumption and carbon emissions have been in the international advanced level, but because of the huge crude steel production, the total carbon emissions of the industry is still large. Li Gao, director of the Department of Climate Change under the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, called on the steel industry, as an important supporting industry for China's economic development and a key industry for carbon emissions, to strengthen the consensus on carbon emission reduction, transfor...
Evergrowing Resources Co., Limited was built by the founder of Mr. Ge in HK, 2016. He worked on steel industry for more than 15years till now. He and his team have exported more than 200,000mt different kinds of steel material to Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa, North America and etc till now. Evergrowing Resources Co., Limited, as a leading supplier of hot rolled and forged material supplier in China, always places product quality as the first priority. Therefore we seriously recommend you to choose us as your super supplier on hot rolled and forged steel materials. We would take full responsibility for the quality and authenticity of our products which customer purchase through us. Thank you for your trust and cooperation!
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