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  • 2022 - 03 - 04
    Source:My steel As the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis continues to penetrate into all aspects of the economy, more and more political and economic officials and industry institutions are warning that the conflict may hit the global economy hard.David Malpass, President of the World Bank, recently warned to the British media: 'I think it's too early to say whether the war in Uk...
  • 2022 - 02 - 11
    Source:My steel In the first week after the holiday, the central bank's open market totaled a net withdrawal of 800 billion yuan, but benefiting from the cash return after the Spring Festival and other factors, the overall capital level remained stable and loose. At the same time, the increment of credit and social finance reached a record high in January, and the credit 'good start&#...
  • 2022 - 01 - 14
    Article source:My steelOn the morning of January 14, the Information Office of the State Council held a press conference. Li Kuiwen, spokesman of the General Administration of Customs and director of the Statistical Analysis Department, introduced the import and export of foreign trade in 2021.According to customs statistics, the total import and export value of China's goods trade in 2021 was...
  • 2021 - 12 - 13
    Source: Huang Mingxin Team, University of Hong Kong, Material Science and Engineering Editor: Zhang Yutian         Stainless steel is one of the most widely used materials in public health, but it does not have the characteristics of combating harmful microorganisms. Earlier studies have shown that the novel coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) has a strong stability on conventio...
  • 2021 - 11 - 03
    Source: China Metallurgical News - EditorStaff Report (Reporter Zhu Xiaobo) On October 26, the World Steel Association (WSA) released the global crude steel production data for September. In September, the output of crude steel in 64 countries and regions included in the statistics of the World Steel Association was 1.444 billion tons, down 8.9% year-on-year.In September 2021, the output of crude ...
2021 - 09 - 08
ABSTRACTNo one would have expected the steelmaking raw materials prices including iron ore, coke and scrap to have attempted multi-year highs in December, a usual off season for steel consumption and production, but the year 2020 had been proven anything but normal, and many iron ore traders ended their 2020 in frustration, as iron ore prices shot up for seemingly no reason at all.Source: World Steel Association1. China’s blast furnace capacity utilization at record high China’s steel producers have been overall operating nonstop throughout 2020 even in the pandemic-struck months, and they ramped up their output fast starting March on the resumption of the economic and industrial activities. Starting late May, the blast furnace capacity utilization rate among China’s 247 ste...
2021 - 08 - 11
Editor: Song YuzhengSource: China Metallurgical News - China Iron & Steel News NetworkChina Scrap iron and Steel Application Association Information statistics DepartmentLast week, domestic scrap prices are mixed, businesses slightly adjust prices and wait, mentality is still stable, some steel mills have increased the arrival of goods, but no intention of hoarding.Key steel enterprises scrap average purchase price compared with the previous week, heavy scrap prices increased by 3 yuan/ton, medium scrap prices increased by 5 yuan/ton, bulk scrap prices increased by 17 yuan/ton.Last week, the period of the snail market shock adjustment, under the production limit support steel price will be strong, market sentiment turned for the better, but the actual transaction is general. Affected b...
2021 - 07 - 06
Source: China Metallurgy News - China Iron and Steel NewsParty flag refers to the high head of the mountain, the sea Yang wave, the Chinese earth is full of hope in the Zhaohui. In this glorious day, we ushered in the centenary birthday of the Communist Party of China, let us say from the bottom of my heart: my dear party, happy birthday! Over the past hundred years, under the wise leadership of the Communist Party of China, the iron and steel industry has seen real gold through fire. You don't see, when the red boat set sail, when the great call - 'struggle for industrial China' history will prove that the construction of Baosteel is right 'green water and green mountains are gold and silver mountains', iron and steel industry is always striving for the first row, prac...
2021 - 06 - 03
Source: Saddle ridge information[Futures Market Analysis][Phase snail] 10 night closed at 5033, down 28 or 0.55%. Wing on in 10 - about to hold a clearance of about 20,000 hands; Yesterday the shipment of finished timber decreased significantly; Raw material, yesterday Tangshan billet fell 30, the first round of coke landing, short - term weak, iron ore spot strong. Heavy rain continued to depress demand in southern China today. In the feeding period, the screw maintains shock, support 4960, pressure 5100.[Steel market trends]Ore: 3 days iron ore spot offer is expected to rise 5-10 yuan. The S&P 500 was up 35 cents at $209.45 last night. The monthly average is $209.28. Due to the steel market is not good, the uncertainty of demand, the port is not active, although the mine price i...
2021 - 05 - 12
Source: China Metallurgy News - China Iron and Steel NewsOn April 29th, the general manager of angang group dai zhihao, who made a survey in pangang, went deep into xichang vanadium steel to understand the production and operation situation, and listened to the digitization and intelligentization work report of pangang. Dai Zhihao stressed that to thoroughly study and apply xi general secretary of the important speech and instructions instructions spirit, fully understand the development situation, eyes do their own work, to continually improve panxi vanadium titanium magnetite smelting capacity, accelerate the digitization, intelligent work, out of a road to development with the characteristic of pangang, the realization from pursued beyond the 'idea'.Duan Xiangdong, Member of the...
2021 - 04 - 07
Source: People's DailyA few days ago, the 2021 (12th) China Iron and Steel Development Forum was held in Beijing. At the meeting, Yin Ruiyu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that after decades of development and progress, China's steel industry per ton of steel energy consumption and carbon emissions have been in the international advanced level, but because of the huge crude steel production, the total carbon emissions of the industry is still large. Li Gao, director of the Department of Climate Change under the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, called on the steel industry, as an important supporting industry for China's economic development and a key industry for carbon emissions, to strengthen the consensus on carbon emission reduction, transfor...
2021 - 03 - 23
Source: China Metallurgical NewsWith the introduction of carbon peak and carbon neutral targets, environmental protection and production restrictions throughout the country have continued to increase. Guo Xiaoliang, assistant to the general manager of Delong Steel, is deeply touched by this. On March 19, Guo Xiaoliang said in an interview with a reporter from China Metallurgical News: 'In 2021, the production restriction policy in Tangshan and even the entire Hebei area has become stricter and stricter. From the initial stage of production reduction, production restriction, and production suspension, Up to now, some blast furnaces have been shut down and dismantled, and the implementation of the production restriction policy has continued to increase, and the actual implementation has ...
2021 - 02 - 01
Source: Warburg SecuritiesEvent 1: The steel association held an information conference to answer the questions of output reduction and how to balance production and demand. It is believed that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology proposed to reduce steel production in 2021 should have three aspects of consideration, 2021 steel demand will maintain a small growth, steel supply pattern under the new situation is bound to change, the import and inventory of self-regulation will help to make up the gap between production and demand.Comments: Under the market economy, the output of goods is mainly driven by demand and theoretical capacity. At present, domestic and overseas economies are recovering, steel demand is better expected, so the industry has questions about the implemen...
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Source: People's DailyA few days ago, the 2021 (12th) China Iron and Steel Development Forum was held in Beijing. At the meeting, Yin Ruiyu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that after decades of development and progress, China's steel industry per ton of steel energy consumption and carbon emissions have been in the international advanced level, but because of the huge crude steel production, the total carbon emissions of the industry is still large. Li Gao, director of the Department of Climate Change under the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, called on the steel industry, as an important supporting industry for China's economic development and a key industry for carbon emissions, to strengthen the consensus on carbon emission reduction, transfor...
Evergrowing Resources Co., Limited was built by the founder of Mr. Ge in HK, 2016. He worked on steel industry for more than 15years till now. He and his team have exported more than 200,000mt different kinds of steel material to Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa, North America and etc till now. Evergrowing Resources Co., Limited, as a leading supplier of hot rolled and forged material supplier in China, always places product quality as the first priority. Therefore we seriously recommend you to choose us as your super supplier on hot rolled and forged steel materials. We would take full responsibility for the quality and authenticity of our products which customer purchase through us. Thank you for your trust and cooperation!
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