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  • 2024 - 07 - 16
    Source: China Steel News At the 3rd Opportunities and Challenges of Amorphous Alloy Materials in the Development of Power Electronics Industry held recently, Zhang Hua, Secretary General of the Amorphous Alloy Materials Application Branch of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association, introduced the current development status of amorphous alloy soft magnetic materials industry. At presen...
  • 2024 - 07 - 11
    Source: China Metal Bulletin The global economy has witnessed periods of recession, posing significant challenges to various industries, and the steel sector is no exception. However, the steel industry has been proactive in formulating strategies to weather the storm and maintain stability.In the face of reduced demand due to economic slowdown, steel manufacturers have implemented measures t...
  • 2024 - 07 - 03
    Source: Automobile society According to the consensus reached at the TMC drive motor symposium attended by more than 20 industry experts from vehicle, drive system, and motor companies earlier this year, key technological innovations for drive motors include rare earth motors, axial flux motors, new winding technologies, high-frequency insulation life assessment, efficient and innovative cool...
  • 2022 - 09 - 02
    Editor: Wen Xiaoxia  Source: Ministry of Commerce On August 31, 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam issued Resolution No. 1640/QD-BCT of August 19, 2022, which made the first anti-dumping sunset review of H-beamin steel products originating in China (Vietnamese: thép hình chữ H), and decided to follow The anti-dumping duty...
  • 2022 - 08 - 17
    China Metallurgical News (August 17, 2022 06th edition 6th edition)Information Statistics Department of China Scrap Iron and Steel Application AssociationLast week, the domestic scrap steel market operated strongly, the market mentality improved slightly, and the arrival of steel mills improved, but due to the hot and rainy weather, the base's receipt was generally low. Compared with the previ...
2022 - 09 - 02
Editor: Wen Xiaoxia  Source: Ministry of Commerce On August 31, 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam issued Resolution No. 1640/QD-BCT of August 19, 2022, which made the first anti-dumping sunset review of H-beamin steel products originating in China (Vietnamese: thép hình chữ H), and decided to follow The anti-dumping duty of 22.09% to 33.51% will continue to be imposed on the products involved (see the attached table for details of the tax rates). The measure will take effect from September 6, 2022 and will be valid for 5 years. The Vietnamese tax codes of the products involved are 7216.33.11, 7216.33.19, 7216.33.90, 7228.70.10 and 7228.70.90.On October 5, 2016, Vietnam conducted an anti-dumping inv...
2022 - 08 - 17
China Metallurgical News (August 17, 2022 06th edition 6th edition)Information Statistics Department of China Scrap Iron and Steel Application AssociationLast week, the domestic scrap steel market operated strongly, the market mentality improved slightly, and the arrival of steel mills improved, but due to the hot and rainy weather, the base's receipt was generally low. Compared with the previous week, the average purchase price of scrap steel in key steel enterprises has increased by 148 yuan/ton, the price of medium-sized scrap steel has increased by 159 yuan/ton, and the price of unified scrap steel has increased by 127 yuan/ton.At the beginning of last week, the finished materials market strengthened, and the resources in the superimposed scrap steel market were scarce, the arrival...
2022 - 07 - 05
Source:(Kang Bin) China Metallurgical News (2nd edition, July 01, 2022)On June 22, the U.S. Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory decided to invest approximately $3.46 million in research and development funds to conduct front-end engineering research on carbon dioxide removal and utilization technologies at the Gary plant of U.S. Steel in Indiana. The study will focus on the direct Air carbon capture and storage (DACS) process, which removes 5,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year from the natural atmospheric environment and then permanently mineralizes it in concrete products.Carbon dioxide removal and utilization technology can make full use of residual heat and energy of steel mills, thus maximizing energy efficiency and minimizing transportation costs of ste...
2022 - 06 - 02
Source: Ministry of Commerce Website Editor: Wen XiaoxiaOn May 31, 2022, the Ministry of Production and Development of Argentina issued Announcement No. 465 of 2022, making a final affirmative anti-dumping ruling on steel doors originating in China, and decided to impose 116% on the products involved based on the declared free on board (FOB) price. anti-dumping duties. The products involved are steel doors with a weight greater than or equal to 24 kg and no more than 100 kg, involving products under the Mercosur Customs Code 7308.30.00, but excluding armored doors as defined in Article 3.14 of the IRAM 11992 standard. The announcement takes effect from the date of publication and is valid for 5 years.On June 3, 2021, Argentina launched an anti-dumping investigation on steel doors originati...
2022 - 05 - 07
Source: China Metallurgical News - China Iron and Steel News NetworkI. Causes of air outlet burning1. The furnace condition is unstable, and the cylinders are piled up.Such a situation is often encountered in production. The blast furnace condition has been fluctuating greatly, the stability is very poor, and the wind addition and reduction are frequent, and the long-term stability of the blast furnace has not been achieved. Due to the frequent air reduction operation of the blast furnace and the long-term unplanned suspension of the external influence, the furnace cylinder is inactive and accumulated. The generated slag iron cannot penetrate into the furnace cylinder in time, and the iron circulation at the accumulation site is not smooth,...
2022 - 04 - 01
Source: Cailian News AgencyOn the afternoon of April 1, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council held a press conference. At the meeting, Mi Feng, a spokesman for the National Health Commission, said that in March, the global epidemic was still in the stage of a pandemic, and the epidemic situation in neighboring countries and regions was out. New local confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections in China have increased rapidly. The epidemic spread more points, and the scope of coverage has further expanded. Community transmission in some areas has not been blocked, and spillover cases have been reported. The prevention and control situation is severe and complex.Mi Feng said that we should always adhere to the general policy of 'dynamic zero clearance'....
2022 - 03 - 04
Source:My steel As the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis continues to penetrate into all aspects of the economy, more and more political and economic officials and industry institutions are warning that the conflict may hit the global economy hard.David Malpass, President of the World Bank, recently warned to the British media: 'I think it's too early to say whether the war in Ukraine will lead to a global recession. However, it is obvious that this is a disaster for the world and will weaken global economic growth.Malpas said that the economic impact of the conflict has gone beyond Ukraine's borders, and the rise in global energy prices has hit the poor hardest, as has inflation.Malpas pointed out that Russia and Ukraine are both major food producers.' Food price...
2022 - 02 - 11
Source:My steel In the first week after the holiday, the central bank's open market totaled a net withdrawal of 800 billion yuan, but benefiting from the cash return after the Spring Festival and other factors, the overall capital level remained stable and loose. At the same time, the increment of credit and social finance reached a record high in January, and the credit 'good start' was very successful.Industry insiders said that the January credit data reflected the initial effect of steady growth, and the market's confidence in policy efforts is expected to be strengthened. The improvement of financial data, coupled with the imminent interest rate increase of the Federal Reserve in March, the urgency of broadbanding currency has been reduced, and subsequent structur...
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Source: People's DailyA few days ago, the 2021 (12th) China Iron and Steel Development Forum was held in Beijing. At the meeting, Yin Ruiyu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that after decades of development and progress, China's steel industry per ton of steel energy consumption and carbon emissions have been in the international advanced level, but because of the huge crude steel production, the total carbon emissions of the industry is still large. Li Gao, director of the Department of Climate Change under the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, called on the steel industry, as an important supporting industry for China's economic development and a key industry for carbon emissions, to strengthen the consensus on carbon emission reduction, transfor...
Evergrowing Resources Co., Limited was built by the founder of Mr. Ge in HK, 2016. He worked on steel industry for more than 15years till now. He and his team have exported more than 200,000mt different kinds of steel material to Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa, North America and etc till now. Evergrowing Resources Co., Limited, as a leading supplier of hot rolled and forged material supplier in China, always places product quality as the first priority. Therefore we seriously recommend you to choose us as your super supplier on hot rolled and forged steel materials. We would take full responsibility for the quality and authenticity of our products which customer purchase through us. Thank you for your trust and cooperation!
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